
Sunday, February 2, 2020

Trump's State of the Union Tuesday to Announce "Great American Comeback" (from the Middle East?)

Will President Trump's February 4 State of the Union address on the so-called "Great American Comeback" be about American troops finally coming back from the Middle East? Now that would be great!

Some observers say the military-industrial complex embedded in the U.S. government and pressure from Israel has been obstructing Trump's attempts to fulfill his campaign promise to end the "endless wars" in countries like Iraq and Afghanistan.  As a result, Trump's had to turn to the playbook of a "clown" in history to get things done this election year. That person is Bahlool, also known as "the wise fool of Baghdad," who was an honorable judge in ninth century Iraq. Bahlool pretended to go insane so he could gain public support for just causes without reprisal from the corrupt in power.

Optimistically speaking, everything Trump's been doing in Iraq since the New Year seems looney unless it's part of a circuitous plan to outmaneuver war hawks surrounding him and get U.S. troops home by hook or by crook.  Trump killed off top military commanders of regional super power Iran and neighboring Iraq at Baghdad airport on Januray 3 and then not only took responsibility but also taunted them by boasting, "I killed two birds with one stone." This got the only reaction expected from the proud Iranian leadership: We will avenge these deaths by expelling all U.S. forces from the Middle East. Iran's allies were equally irate and advised American military to go back or be sent home "in coffins." 

So far an American base in Iraq was destroyed, scores of U.S. troops injured, and an American military plane mysteriously crashed in Afghanistan that was reportedly carrying CIA officers who orchestrated the original assassinations. The Iraqi Parliament voted for the first time to expel U.S. forces from their country and millions of Iraqis have protested on the streets to demand the same. 

Trump's immediate reaction was tweeting "All is well!" and later trivializing American soldiers' traumatic brain injuries as "headaches," neither of which makes any sense. If Trump is like Bahlool, then he's talking and acting in code to outrage and wake up the masses to "bring 'em home." But if it turns out Trump's more like the Jester of Genocide with chaos, mayhem, and war on his mind, then the world is in serious trouble.

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